Managers Information

Manager's Information

Updated 1st April 2023


Updated 1st April 2023


1. Important dates
All players, with the exception of 2 guest players, must be registered to play at the Club they are representing between 1st April 2023 - 1st September 2023.

Registrations will be determined by the club(s) they were registered for in Comet by this date. (If you use an alternative system, such as Friendly Manager for your player database, please make sure your data transfer has been activated no later than 16 February to allow time for the transfer to take place before the deadline).

All squad details must be entered in the EnTeam registration system by the submission deadline of 11:59pm on 23rd November 2023.


2. Managers Meeting
This will take place at 6:00pm on Wednesday 6 December 2023 in the clubrooms at Seddon Fields. Please ensure a representative of your club attends this meeting. 

Please ensure your Coach and Manager has downloaded the Tournament App prior to attending the Managers Meeting.


3. Rules
A final copy of both the Men’s and Women’s rules are on our WSAFC U17s website and on the App. Please ensure you are aware of these latest set of rules.


4. Pools
A copy of both the Men’s and Women’s pools will be on the website and on the WSAFC App.


5. Draw
Please ensure you have a copy of the Numbered draw at your Team Base at all times. Match numbers must be recorded on all Team Cards.


6. Seddon Fields
This venue has strict protocols in place with regards to the artificial pitches. All teams, at some stage will be playing on the artificial pitches and only molded studs are allowed on these two fields. No metal studs will be allowed on the artificial fields. All players need to ensure their boots are clean before entering these surfaces.

Technical / Coaching Staff will also only be allowed to enter these artificial fields with molded soles, no flat soles will be allowed. These rules will be strictly enforced. NRF have also requested that all technical / coaching personnel are nominated on the team sheet in Enter Now. Anyone not named on the team sheet will not be allowed in technical areas. Maximum of two Team Coaches and one Manager will be allowed in any of the Technical areas.

Seddon Fields has two artificial and two grass pitches. 

A copy of the turf rules is on our website and on the App.


7. Food
The following food truck vendors will be at the venue offering a selection of food and drinks that can be purchased daily during the tournament:
- Manila Eats
- Let's Brezel
- Ice Cream Social 
- Mama Yoyas 
- Captain Crepes
- Karaage Boy

plus more to be confirmed . . . . .


8. Advertising
No team will be allowed to erect any advertising at the tournament venue.


9. Physios
Back To Your Feet Physiotherapy will be providing physio services onsite for the tournament. Their team of experienced male and female football physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants will be based upstairs in the pavilion and can deal with the acute injuries that happen during the tournament, or help you get through if you are carrying an injury into the tournament. They can help your team perform at their best by helping to optimise your recovery, 

During the tournament BTYF will only be charging:

- $5.00 for ACC consultations, $55 for private consultations
- $5.00 for small strappings
- $10 for large strappings
- $5 for 5 minute massage
- $10 for 10 minute massage
- $15 for 15 minute massage
- Consumables such as tape, foam rollers, spikey balls, ice packs will be available to purchase on the day.


10. Team Bases / Gazebos / Ezy Ups / Chilly Bins
There are strict rules regarding team bases due to Healthy and Safety regulations. Only rental or commercial grade shelters can be erected at your Team base. All bases must be either pegged or weighted down due to high winds. Any non compliant base shelter will need to be removed.

We have in place the option for teams to hire these directly from the supplier. Please go to
Gene from Kwik n Easy is offering special rates for the tournament and will deliver / erect and pick up after the tournament to help all visiting teams. He is also offering the option to hire chilly bins and other equipment. Please get in touch with them to find out how they can assist.


Please note BBQ’s or any cooking equipment are not allowed on your site.