Junior Girls Only 9-12 Years

Depending on ability and time a player can commit to playing football, female players aged 9-12 (Grades 9-12) can choose to play in either girls only teams or mixed (70% boys) teams following either the Social or Pre-Academy pathway, with the option to change teams / pathways each season.

Social pathway provides the opportunity for players to play in teams largely based on player preferences (e.g. play with specific friends, in a previous team, etc) and with a commitment to 1x training per week plus a game.  Players may also choose to register and attend Skill Centre training as a 2nd weekly training.

Pre-Academy pathway provides opportunities for players who are highly motivated and committed to training 2x per week with teams formed based on abilities, commitment and motivation. Players following this pathway must be able to commit to 2 training sessions a week plus a game (played across Auckland).   Pre-Academy players are identified during term 4 from players attending the Term 4 Pre-Academy identification sessions and those attending the Term 4 Skill Centre sessions. The group of Pre-Academy players is then finalised at the end of term 4.  Any players who are not in the Pre-Academy teams but would like to follow the pathway should attend the Mixed Player ID sessions (mixed teams) or Girls Player ID (girls only teams) in February to be considered for a Pre-Development Team. Players in Pre-Development teams will  be committed and competitive minded players but aren’t yet ready for the Pre-Academy teams.  They will also train 2x per week. 


Social: In-House League

Friday afternoons, Seddon Fields 

Girls can play in an all girls team and play against other girls teams in our 'Friday Girls Hub'.  For more information about this option go to Friday Girls Hub

Social: In-House League

Sunday mornings, Seddon Fields 

Girls can play in a Mixed team or an all girls team (numbers permitting) and play against both mixed and girls teams in our 'In-house League'.  For more information about this option go to Sunday In-House 

Social: Northern Region Football League (NRF)

Saturday mornings, Seddon Fields AND other club locations throughout Auckland

Girls can play in all girls teams, against other all girls teams from clubs across Auckland. 


Girls Pre-Academy: Northern Region Football League (NRF)

Saturday mornings, Seddon Fields AND other club locations throughout Auckland

Academy pathway teams are formed based on abilities, commitment and motivation. Players following this pathway must be able to commit to two training sessions a week plus a game (playing across Auckland on a Saturday), and must attend Girls Player ID(s) in February to be considered for a Girls Only Academy Team.