2024 Women & Girls Plan

To view the progress made against the 2024 Women & Girls Plan please see the 2024 Women & Girls Plan Progress sheet.

As part of the Club’s desire to continually improve the women & girls game, and to support Spring’s commitment to the NRF Equity Charter, several forums and interviews were run in October 2023 to identify what the Club is doing well in the Women & Girls space, what the Club could do better / start doing and to generate ideas for activities to undertake to fill any gaps or resolve any pain points identified.

77 people participated in the forums and interviews (representing 11% of our female player base). The feedback provided, on hundreds of post-it notes, generated an incredible 200 or so ideas for improvement, 65% which related to Club wide opportunities for improvement. 

This raw feedback was then grouped, consolidated, prioritised and ownership assigned to generate the Western Springs 2024 Women & Girls Plan. Progress against this plan can be viewed from our 2024 Women & Girls Plan Progress sheet. Some recent successes include:

  • The table tennis and bean bag space in the clubrooms continues to get great use!
  • Another very successful annual Women & Girls Open Day was run in mid-March
  • Again in mid-March, Bex Sowden, ex Football Fern, founder of Team Heroine and Correct the Internet ran a very informative evening providing advice around ‘Keeping Girls in Sport’ .. approximately 50 people attended!  
  • Our first girls only holiday programme day was run in January, with approx. 30 girls attending, and two further well attended girls only days were run in the April school holidays
  • We've launched an U8/U9 Friday night 'girls hub' to provide these age groups with a girls only in-house playing option
  • Free sanitary products are now available in the upstairs club room toilets
  • For the 2024 season all Academy & Development teams have a female Head Coach
  • The number of female player registrations for the 2024 season is up on last year! In addition, we have 2 new Senior Women's teams and 4 new girls Academy/Development teams

If you would like to know more or would like to contribute to helping fund or deliver the 2024 Women & Girls Plan then please contact Julie Dunn or one of our Women & Girls key contacts