Job Opportunities

Team Operations Internship - Team Manager (Premier U23 Mens) - 18 Years +

An exciting opportunity to assist with the Team Operations in our Senior Men's U23 team as Team Manager.

Be hands on with logistics, management and organisation in a team closely linked to our Premier Men's side.

Email HOMF Scott Hales on for more information.

Youth Football Coach - 13 Years +

Make a difference in our local community by coaching in our youth football programme.

A commitment of just one training session a week, along with a game on the weekend, would help make a memorable and positive coaching expirience for our future generation of young footballers.

Email HOJYF Andy Vernon on for more informaiton.

Youth Football Set Up Assistant - 12 Years +

Help ensure the smooth running of our Whole of Football Plan experiences for our young footballers each week during the season.

Plenty of opportunities to help with the organisation of our Friday Night Football, Saturday and Sunday morning in-house games, with many goals, pitches and equipment needing to be set up and packed down each week.

Email HOJYF Andy Vernon on for more informaiton.

Bar Staff - 18 Years +

Be part of a thriving community club environment in this hospitality and services role in the bar of WSAFC.

A role that involves customer service, keeping the bar area presentable and helping to ensure a welcoming environment for our members.

Email Club Manager Paul Rutland on for more information.

Tournament Services - 14 Years +

Assist with the organisation of key tournament opportunities here at WSAFC. We have many roles that help make these tournaments a success on and off the field.

Logistics, management, team services and competition management all make these tournaments tick and a positive expirience for players and staff from around the country.

Email for more informaiton.

For more information on any of the above, or general enquiries in relaltion to roles and opportunities at Western Springs AFC, please email We would love to hear from you!