Week 2 | 11th May
Fun Football
Week 2 – 11th May
9am Start
Rotation Activities
Fun Football Rotation Activities
General Movement - Snatch the Flag
Football Coordination – Sharks & Islands with Ball
Football Technique - King of the Ring
Small Sided Game - 2 Goal Game
Hooter Tooter: AMETHYSTS
Pitch 1B
- COLOMBIA *POD Coordinator
- Costa Rica
- England
- France
Pitch 1C
- Bustamites
- Amethysts
- Ambers
Pitch 1D
- SAPPHIRES *POD Coordinator
- Coral
- Topaz
- Diamonds
Pitch 2A
- TANAZANITES *POD Coordinator
- Crystals
- Emeralds
- Rubies
Pitch 2B
- ONYX *POD Coordinator
- Pearls
- Malachites
- Jades
Pitch 2C
- PERIDOTS *POD Coordinator
- Opals
- Greenstones
- Lapis Lazuli
Pitch 2D
- GARNETS *POD Coordinator
- Aquamarines
- Quartz
- Moonstones