General Movement | Netball Tag
Suitable for players aged 9-12 years
- Area of up to 15x15m. Modify area depending on the age & number of players.
- Divide the players into 2 teams with one team having possession of two footballs (Blues).
- Have footballs around the area to restart the match.
- Blue team uses the footballs to tag Red players. The ball must be in their hands when tagging, not thrown.
- Blues can throw balls to each other but player in possession can not move.
- Once tagged, players must exit the area and perform 10 x juggles to re-enter the game (modify depending on ability).
- Play for one minute then reds have a turn in possession.
- See which team tags the most players in the shortest time
- Reduce the area size
- Add additional ball
- Constrain the dodging players to skipping, hopping etc
- Awareness and vision of the players around
- Agility and coordination
- Acceleration