General Movement | Survival
Suitable for players aged 7-12 years
- Set up area 30x30m with 5 cones on each of the side lines. Modify area depending on the age & number of players.
- Divide the group into four teams, with each team nominating players as their “base defenders”.
- Place 2 footballs on two cones on each of the end lines.
- Place 4-8 more balls in the centre of the square.
- On the coaches call the game begins. All players must collect as many footballs from the centre as possible and return them to a cone at their base (Individual players are allowed to take one ball at a time).
- Once all the balls are gone from the centre then players are allowed to steal from other bases, without being tagged by a base defender.
- Play 2 minutes games to see who has the most football or race to the first team to fill all 5 cones.
- Players must dribble the ball back to home base
- Players are allowed to tackle the opposition in the middle
- Players are allowed to pass back to teammates at their home base
- Increase or decrease the size of the area
- Dodging, weaving, stepping
- Awareness of space
- Dribbling and passing
- Awareness of passing angles
- Awareness of roles and responsibilities (defense/attack)