Women and Girls Update
The Club is making good progress on the actions agreed in mediation and we are keen to update you on this. As you’ll be aware Kereyn Smith CNZM has been working alongside the Executive Committee and Premier Women’s team on these actions, now part of an Action Plan.
The Action Plan is being overseen by the Transition Committee comprising Grant Ramsay, Executive Chairman; Lily Jervis, Women’s Premier Team; Laura Menzies CEO, Northern Region Football, and Kereyn.
The action plan itself has a number of areas of focus including:
- Coaching – we are delighted that Maia Vink has now started in the role of Head of Women’s Football working on plans for team management, performance and coaching support.
- Equivalency of Reimbursements Payments and Resources - This has been addressed in terms of team reimbursements from June 2023, with an ongoing commitment in terms of equivalency between Men’s and Women’s Premier Teams and continuation of the existing equal access to the club’s resources and support.
- Player Representation on the Executive and Senior Committees – It is proposed a player rep for each of the Women’s and Men’s Premier Team, elected by the Team, will become members of both Senior and Executive Committees. This is being progressed, with the Senior Committee appointments the priority for 2023.
- Executive and Senior Committee Membership – As well as the Player reps, additional women are to be added to each of the Committees to progress gender equity. As part of this commitment, Santha Brown has joined the Executive Committee from the end of August. Santha has a strong corporate and legal background, has two children playing in the Juniors at WSAFC and is currently Programme Director of the FIFA Women’s World Cup for Tataki Auckland Unlimited. We welcome Santha to the Executive Committee and look forward to her contribution. In addition, Julie Dunn, one of our female coaches, a player and a mother of a daugher who also plays joined the Senior Committee in July.
- Women and Girls Strategy/Plan – A working group is getting this initiative underway and is currently developing the approach and timeline. The approach will include the opportunity for Club wide engagement and feedback during September - October. Look out for further communications in the coming weeks on how you can contribute to this initiative. In the meantime, if you would like more information please contact Julie Dunn - julie@wsafc.org.nz
- Club Constitution – A working group continues to make progress on a number of proposals to update the constitution which will be considered at the 2023 AGM. Once drafted these proposed amendments will be circulated in a timely way to meet constitutional requirements. Jo Crabbe – exec-secretary@wsfc.org.nz, is leading this work.
WSAFC was delighted to sign the Equity Charter in partnership with Northern Region Football at a Wahine in Football event, during the FIFA Women’s World Cup. This step is a public commitment to growing the inclusiveness of football clubs. The Charter provides a great framework for the development of our Women’s and Girls’ Strategy/Plan with a focus on leadership, participation, visibility, resources and facilities.
For more information on some of the other exciting initiatives that are on-going in the women & girls space please see our new Women's & Girls Initiatives page.