Football Technique | Space Invaders
Suitable for players aged 4-12 years
- Set up area 30x20m. Modify area depending on the number and age of players.
- Select a player (Blue) who will be the “Mother ship” to fight the Alien Invasion, they will stand at one end of the area with a ball.
- The rest of the players line up across the other end of the area facing the Spaceship (Reds).
- The Mother ship must face away from the Alien Invasion.
- The Alien Invasion players must sneak up on the mother ship and freeze (with their legs shoulder-width apart) when the mother ship turns around. The mother ship has 5 seconds to fire a laser (football).
- If the laser hits an alien’s legs, the alien must retrieve the ball and join the mother ships team. They get to shoot one laser (football) along with the mother ship.
- If the laser goes between an alien’s legs, 2 aliens are selected to join the mother ships team.
- If the mother ship sees an alien moving they are sent back to the start line.
- The winner is the first alien to get to the mother ship's goal line.
- Mother ship can move across the end line to create a better angle to shoot
- Coach to specify which foot to shoot with (left/right)
- Increase or decrease the size of the area
- Passing accuracy
- Shooting accuracy
- Dribbling to shoot or pass