Football Coordination | Bowling Ball
Suitable for players aged 4-8 years
- Circular area of up to 25m, with a 5x5m square in the middle. Modify area depending on the age & number of players.
- Blues on the outside with a football (bowling ball) each.
- 2 Reds in the middle square.
- Tall cones (Pins) placed in the middle square.
- Blues attempt to knock the taller cones over by passing the ball into the middle area. Blues have 1 minute to knock over as many cones as possible.
- Reds in the middle square protect the Pins by block passes. If they block a pass they pass it to the outside of the area.
- Blues are allowed to dribble around the outside of the area before passing.
- After one minute Blues count up how many Pins they have knocked over. Change over Red defenders.
- One ball between two Blue players. A pass must be made between them before attempting to knock down Pins
- Players are only allowed to pass with their right/left foot
- Dribbling with close control
- Shooting – power & accuracy
- Vision and awareness of defenders