General Movement | Chain Tag
Suitable for players aged 4-6 years
- Create an area as large as possible (30m x 20m)
- Create 1 or 2 pairs by asking some of the players to join a partner
- All the other players are free to move around inside the area
- While keeping their hands joined, the pair tries to tag the free players with their free hands. Everyone runs around while the taggers chase the free players
- When a free player is tagged they join the pair, which becomes a threesome or a ‘chain of three’ 3
- The three continue to chase and when a fourth person is tagged, they break into two chains of two and both chains continue to chase and tag
- The game is completed when everyone is in a chain
BASIC: Investigate different movements i.e. walking, jogging, skipping, hopping
- Agility while changing direction at speed
- Coordinated speed
- Develops spatial awareness